Enrico (Harry) Andreani è un romanziere entusiasta della vita e appassionato di fitness che, oltre che a svolgere l’attività di direttore di albergo, ama trascorrere le notti a studiare filosofia, matematica e lingue.
Ha completato gli studi universitari con due master in Business Administration e Marketing, quindi si è dedicato alla conoscenza e all’apprendimento di tutto ciò che rappresenta una novità nel campo della storia, della psicologia e della fisica. Sta studiando portoghese e tedesco, inoltre adora l’arrampicata indoor e cuocere la pizza.
Aristos Andras, The Best of Men è il suo primo romanzo, in cui ha inserito tutto ciò che ha imparato negli anni.
Enrico (Harry) Andreani is a life enthusiast, novelist and fitness fan who likes spending late evenings studying philosophy, math and languages while conducting the busy life of a Hotel Manager.
He completed his academic studies with two masters in Business Administration and Marketing. Then coincidentally he became a book lover and an eager herald of knowledge. So, he started constantly to search the joy of learning new things while not giving up his life sustainment: his work and his career. He owned a women’s amateur basketball club in London, he began (and never finished!) reading about management, psychology, history, philosophy and physics. He studies Portuguese and German end also loves indoor climbing and baking pizzas.
This is his first novel, enriched by the sum of learnings which he gathered and carried through his life.